ARESIA designs and produces live-fire training systems for the armed forces incorporating real-time restitution systems and radar solutions.
Training solutions design
Towed aerial targets
Our solutions : TAXAN / MRSAT-50
From the 3D design to adaptation of the target to the carrier, taking into account aspects such as flight safety, aircraft ground clearance or the aircraft’s electronic system, we offer solutions aligned as closely as possible to the customer’s requirements. In-flight and vibration tests are conducted to qualify the target.
They are qualified to be operated at up to 500 kts under a load factor up to 5 g, enabling extremely realistic firing training.
The scoring of shots in real time can be read on a terminal on the ground or in the cockpit.
TAXAN is a well-established aerial target system with over 6000 produced and in service throughout the world. The system is an indispensable training aid for any armed force looking to improve the level of training of its combat aircrews. It is an ideal system for qualifying crews in live fire exercises against a realistic manoeuvring target (up to 500kts and 5g depending on tow platform).
The TAXAN target can be towed by many platforms and requires no modification of the towing aircraft.
The TAXAN air-to-air target system is equipped with acoustic scoring technology (ASPI) which provides real time results of each live firing pass. The results can be made on the ground or in the cockpit.
The MRSAT-50 is a lightweight target, modular and aerodynamic, designed for air to air and surface to air canon and missile training.
The target can be deployed from a container or a winch and carried under an aircraft a microlight or even an autonomous unmanned system. The target is equipped with GPS allowing the operator to follow its progress via the ground station. The MRSAT-50 is modulable and is available in different configurations depending on user requirements.
The MRSAT-50 target is equipped with an acoustic scoring system (ASPI) which provides real time scoring of firing events. The results can be made on the ground or in the cockpit.

Air-to-Ground training solutions
Our scoring solutions: AFGS / LPCB
We define the electronics for the target and the installation of the visuals according to users’ requirements and implementation constraints. A study is conducted in order to obtain the equipment best able to withstand the operation conditions, thus reducing the risk of equipment destruction and optimizing budgets.
Designed to offer the very best training for fast jet crews firing air-to-ground cannon against ground targets, the system scores each firing pass precisely and in real time.
Designed to offer the very best training for fast jet crews firing air-to-ground cannon against ground targets, the AFGS system scores each firing pass precisely and in real time.
Compact and lightweight, the AFGS system is easily deployable in front of all target types in under 10 minutes. The system can be protected from bullet impacts and ricochets by a wall of sand/earth or by a piece of armoured plate. The system can score both Low Angle Strafe (10°) and High Angle Strafe (30°).
Consisting of 2 acoustic sensors and an algorithm developed in-house by our engineers, the AFGS System can precisely detect the passage of a supersonic round, on or off the target, within a 10m radius, in real time.
The LPCB is a complete system used for air to ground weapons delivery training of both rockets and bombs.
The LPCB detects weapon impact using a system of video cameras. The cameras are installed on pylons that offer a commanding view of the target area including the likely area of ricochets.
The system scores in real time, monitoring the trajectory of the weapon. Training can be carried out by both night and day using all types of weapons.

Ground-to-Ground training solution
Our product: MELODI
Designed to offer the very best training in precise fire against fixed or mobile targets, the system, in real time, accurately scores the impact point or miss distance of rounds fired at a target with the same cross section as an infantryman.
MELODI is an innovative LOMAH (Location of Miss and Hit) system blending a number of technologies to offer new levels of precision : 10 acoustic sensors to detect supersonic rounds and a video sensor to detect subsonic rounds.
By using the combination of technologies built into MELODI, the shooter and/or the Range Safety Officer can know the results of each shot instantaneously, and without having to physically go to the target. The results are displayed on either a laptop or computer equipped with the scoring software.
Acoustics & ballistics
ARESIA has a team specialized in acoustics and ballistics dedicated to the study of blast waves, precise analysis of firing angles, the types of installation and weapons used, etc.
Based on the data collected by several sensors, we are able to establish the point the supersonic projectile passed by in real time and accurately quantify the velocity of the munitions and their trajectories throughout their flight.
Flight simulator for live fire training
Flight simulator to prepare for air-to-air and air-to-ground missions or familiarize yourself with flight procedures for gunnery training.
- Possibility to customize the missions and aircraft.
- Immersive environment (virtual reality goggles and cockpit)
- Multi agents simulation.
- Real time firing monitoring.
- Remote position for the range master
- Firing engagement assistant
- Deployable and scalable system